Brotha BeatDown Bout Beck
It is imperative that we who are the descendents of the African slave population in America IMMEDIATELY become AWARE of those shadowy RICH and powerful PUPPETEERS who control and manipulate those “conservative” broadcast personalities, whose main task of employment is to viciously revile black folks as a people over the airwaves of America! Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are the current leaders in the anti-Negro broadcast crusade here in America. However, these demagogues and their fellow broadcast racialists would not even be so much as a whisper in the quiet night air of the desert if it were not for super wealthy fanatical white Americans financing the continuous flood of pernicious vitriolic propaganda which currently dominates the airwaves of America.
The rambling diatribes of these right wing broadcasters are so densely packed with racialist euphemisms and coded “dog whistle” phrases that it is extremely difficult to the average person to have even a modicum of understanding of what the broadcaster is raving about. However it is time for us to stop wasting our time fretting over the “racist bombast” broadcast daily by these raving bigots and start looking behind the scenes. In the words of my favorite cousin I. Ben Dare, “quit plain’n bout shithouse stink, best be look’n for who been dere last!” To repeat my opening call, we who are the frequent targets of these broadcast racialist attacks must sharpen our focus and concentrate on WHO is spending the MONEY to support these people.
Rich right wing millionaires and billionaires have become legion in America at this time. (Wikipedia lists 2.8 million multimillionaires in the US in 2009. Forbes lists 403 billionaires in the US in 2010.) Among “conservative” billionaires the cost of financing right wing projects approaching a million dollars or more is generally considered inconsequential to them. Let’s take a look at a couple of examples, the first being David Koch.
According to an email from Democrat Representative Alan Grayson, who is in the midst of a tight race for his seat representing Florida’s 8th District, Koch has a $17 billion fortune at his disposal and he has been using it freely to fund a relentless unscrupulous attack on the Obama Administration. Grayson’s email also states that Koch has spent $250,000 in one week for attack ads against Grayson’s campaign for re-election. Koch is just one of the many rich white Americans who are the “behind the scenes” funding sources for right wing causes. Representative Grayson is unique among Democrats for remaining steadfast and true to his progressive convictions and that is precisely why he is under attack. You can be sure that a large part of the content in those attack ads against Grayson will have many Negrophobic euphemisms generously sprinkled throughout.
Another powerful person that I would cite for discussion is Roger Ailes, the President of the Fox Broadcasting network. Just from the standpoint of the material that is so prevalent on the Fox news channels, it is obvious that the entire stable of self professed “conservative” broadcasting staff are all well paid students of the political and racialist ideology espoused by their boss Roger Ailes. Ailes’ career prior to his current position at Fox includes political positions as a long time Republican consultant to Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Herbert Walker Bush. Ailes has long advocated that permanent superior political power could be achieved through maintaining unconditional control of the broadcast media. As president of Fox Broadcasting he has obtained a vital national platform upon which he has been able to perfect his own propaganda techniques.
At this point I wish to focus on the actions of the Ailes TV propaganda techniques as compared with the ideological messages espoused by the other rich white financers who control the “conservative” right wing AM broadcast networks in concert. (However, it is IMPORTANT to keep in mind that the COMBINATION of both media, the AM broadcast networks and TV network channels comprise the right wing “conservative” propaganda machine in America.) The ultimate goal of Roger Ailes goes far beyond just beating up on poor black folks. (Unfortunately public opinion believes that this is the total extent of his broadcast motives.) Rather his primary goal is to control the minds and opinions of the majority of Americans. Ailes is essentially creating an American paradigm of the successful propaganda machine developed by Joseph Goebbels some eighty years ago as Adolph Hitler's Minister of Propaganda during the early days of Nazi Germany. Returning to the present era, if we conduct a close examination of the broadcast notoriety and controversy dominating the national conversation for the past 18 months it will provide an obvious and damning testimony as to the extent of the propaganda attack already underway here in America. At this point it is necessary to digress here briefly to describe the basic structure of Joseph Goebbels’ Propaganda Machine.
Goebbels published a great deal of analytical data for his experimental propaganda in the days marked by Hitler's rise to power, and many of his writings from the 1930’s are available in bookstores and online today. Generally speaking, Goebbels maintained several things are critical to make his techniques work on a given population. (1) First you must identify and DEFINE one segment of the population as SCAPEGOATS and blame them for all of the current ills of that particular society. (2) You must then REDEFINE the MORALS of that scapegoated population to the majority population. (3) You must then CREATE the most outlandish BIZARRE LIES about this scapegoated population highlighted by revelations of certain outrageous despicable acts being perpetrated by the scapegoated population against the majority, repeating these lies over and over and over again endlessly. Goebbels “clinical” approach to the development of his propaganda machine subsequently demonstrated that with the suppression of any opposing voices, over some given period of time the majority population will come to believe these lies.
However, the secret that Goebbels did not include in his documentation is that once the majority population DISPLACED their previous belief systems with the "big lie" as the cornerstone of their new belief system, at the same time, they came to unquestionably BELIEVE and TRUST the SOURCE of that "big lie" propaganda. In other words, a belief system (regardless of the nature of the system) is always an ESSENTIAL critical part of the life of every human being.
Hence, when a population’s previous belief system is DISPLACED by the “big lie”, the SOURCE of the “big lie” and its institutionalized components a priori becomes the new replacement belief system for the newly proselytized majority population. This is just the way that humanity is “wired”, and further discussion of the psychological science inherent in this phenomenon is far beyond the discussion of this post. There is one final point to consider about the Goebbels propaganda machine. Many people outside of pre-war Nazi Germany after viewing thousands of newsreel scenes showing millions of Germans showering great love and enthusiasm on their beloved Hitler assumed that this was a natural display of the unconditional embrace of Nazi propaganda by the German people. However, I believe that this evaluation indicates a serious misunderstanding and mischaracterization of the actual effect of the “big lie” on the German people. I believe that the widespread public demonstrations in pre-war Germany supporting the Nazi regime actually signaled the need of the German people to emotionally resolve the conflict brought about by their acceptance of a new belief system despite the fact that it was based on a profound NEGATVE, the “big lie”. This emotional turmoil marked an underlying desperate need of the subconscious to continuously reaffirm the correctness of these new changes in their personal belief system. Hitler’s response to this psychological need by his newly proselytized German population was to substitute Wagner’s folklore for Christ’s Beatitudes, and Nietzsche’s “Thus Spake Zarathustra” for religious theology.
Therefore, respective of Hitler's plans, the persecution of the German Jews was not important beyond facilitating the achievement of his goal to successfully establish a unique form of mass psychosis which delivered the complete acquiescence of the German people to his slightest whim. The success of Goebbels’ propaganda technique in the eventual control over the German mind was evidenced by the rise of Hitler’s powerful war machine. However, as a part of these events, European Jewry unfortunately became fodder for the Nazi propaganda machine, the violent rhetoric of which produced policies authorized by the German state that resulted in the horrific brutal Jewish Holocaust that followed.
HERE is where we CONNECT THE historical DOTS. A similar propaganda attack is currently underway here in the United States. Like the situation in pre-war Nazi Germany, in the United States currently there are two large scapegoat populations available, American Negroes and Mexican Americans. However, it appears that the target spotlight is slowly shifting to the American Negro due to the ease of making video connections between the similarity in racial appearance between American Negro Muslims (35% of the Muslims in America are African Americans), American Negro non-Muslims and other black and brown Muslims around the world. Unfortunately, this “look alike” correlation also extends includes those foreign Muslims of color who belong to organizations around the world that are bent on attacking the United States. A recent example of Glenn Beck’s racialist BIG LIE propaganda technique can be found in the statement that he has frequently broadcast which accused "President Obama of being a racist who hates white people." In the light of the Goebbels propaganda doctrine, it is prudent to follow this BIG LIE statement up with another one. Following the Goebbels doctrine Beck declared at his recent rally in Washington D.C. "That God is setting the stage for white people to GET THEIR CIVIL RIGHTS back!" Thus the maturing of the Beck BIG LIE campaign is revealed by his attempt to recruit the evangelical Christian right into his propaganda campaign. To clarify I repeat, the purpose of Beck’s Washington rally was to call, justify, and invite thousands of fundamentalist white Christians to join him in his personal battle to stop the :black” political take over of America! (Note that this LIE is deemed a hard fact in the minds of many white American racialists which they see as being irrefutably confirmed by the election of a Negro, Barack Obama, to the Presidency of the United States.)
I should like to take a moment here to address some of the anticipated arguments that may be offered in rebuttal to my earlier declaration that America is in the midst of a virulent propaganda attack. First of all I heartily disagree with the many liberal voices that are quick to lampoon and dismiss Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Michael Medved, Mark Levin, Bill O’Reilly, and others simply as “those right wing nut case crazies”. These people are certainly right wing fringe demagogues, many of which have become exceedingly wealthy through their so called “hard hitting” broadcast rants against anything normal in America. However, it is safe to say their presence on American air waves would quickly disappear if the monetary rewards were completely removed. I doubt seriously if any of these people would continue to be a “conservative talk show host” as a full time hobby. Hence in retrospect there is some serious money behind the verbal machinations of this crowd, and anyone who does not believe that vast sums of money is always associated with power is not worth the time to argue with. Lastly, it is common knowledge that whenever power players are in the “game” it is for a damn good reason, and power players are always serious, dead serious.
To those who would dismiss my declaration “that America is under a serious propaganda attack” as “just another conspiracy theory”. I should like to point their attention toward the growing number of public gathering places across the nation like malls, shopping centers and local eateries that have instituted a rigorous “display Fox TV channel only” policy for all TV screens setup for public viewing in their respective areas. Several Midwestern McDonalds regional franchisee restaurant chains are continuing this policy even in the face of strong local and national opposition. Their counter argument to protests regarding the “Fox TV only” policy is that in their opinion Fox is the best “family friendly” TV channel available out of all of the networks on cable or satellite. Such a policy seven or eight years ago would have been unthinkable, but today it is an important harbinger of the successes that the current strategies and techniques of the right wing propaganda machine are beginning to produce in many parts of America. Unfortunately many fair minded Americans have been lulled into believing in the affectivity of the major network’s (ABC, CBS, and NBC) voluntary doctrine for public responsibility and fairness. This long standing practice is religiously implemented by strictly adhering to the rule that any controversial subject broadcast must include at least one proponent of the subject of the controversy and at least one opponent of the subject of the controversy. In effect they consider this to be broadcasting “BOTH SIDES of any ARGUMENT” in a fair and responsible manner. However a quick sampling of public opinion throughout the country will show that this doctrine has proven neither to be responsible nor has it been fair.
To conclude this discussion, I should like to amend the opening statement of this post to include the following declaration. “Not only those Americans who are descendants of African slaves, but ALL Americans MUST BECOME AWARE of the serious danger posed by the strategies of the current right wing propaganda attack on the American government and it’s Constitution.” The American people must be brought to the realization that not only are their freedoms in jeopardy by virtue of the media dominance of this Neo Propaganda Machine, but the future existence of America as a democratic institution is also under a devastating relentless attack from within by those radical right wing “conservatives”. The prime desire of this segment of the American population is to secure permanent control over the government of the United States under the exclusive rule of an oligarchy of the super rich that is based in the American upper class.
Pay close attention brother...... pay very close attention….. Peace….
The rambling diatribes of these right wing broadcasters are so densely packed with racialist euphemisms and coded “dog whistle” phrases that it is extremely difficult to the average person to have even a modicum of understanding of what the broadcaster is raving about. However it is time for us to stop wasting our time fretting over the “racist bombast” broadcast daily by these raving bigots and start looking behind the scenes. In the words of my favorite cousin I. Ben Dare, “quit plain’n bout shithouse stink, best be look’n for who been dere last!” To repeat my opening call, we who are the frequent targets of these broadcast racialist attacks must sharpen our focus and concentrate on WHO is spending the MONEY to support these people.
Rich right wing millionaires and billionaires have become legion in America at this time. (Wikipedia lists 2.8 million multimillionaires in the US in 2009. Forbes lists 403 billionaires in the US in 2010.) Among “conservative” billionaires the cost of financing right wing projects approaching a million dollars or more is generally considered inconsequential to them. Let’s take a look at a couple of examples, the first being David Koch.
According to an email from Democrat Representative Alan Grayson, who is in the midst of a tight race for his seat representing Florida’s 8th District, Koch has a $17 billion fortune at his disposal and he has been using it freely to fund a relentless unscrupulous attack on the Obama Administration. Grayson’s email also states that Koch has spent $250,000 in one week for attack ads against Grayson’s campaign for re-election. Koch is just one of the many rich white Americans who are the “behind the scenes” funding sources for right wing causes. Representative Grayson is unique among Democrats for remaining steadfast and true to his progressive convictions and that is precisely why he is under attack. You can be sure that a large part of the content in those attack ads against Grayson will have many Negrophobic euphemisms generously sprinkled throughout.
Another powerful person that I would cite for discussion is Roger Ailes, the President of the Fox Broadcasting network. Just from the standpoint of the material that is so prevalent on the Fox news channels, it is obvious that the entire stable of self professed “conservative” broadcasting staff are all well paid students of the political and racialist ideology espoused by their boss Roger Ailes. Ailes’ career prior to his current position at Fox includes political positions as a long time Republican consultant to Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Herbert Walker Bush. Ailes has long advocated that permanent superior political power could be achieved through maintaining unconditional control of the broadcast media. As president of Fox Broadcasting he has obtained a vital national platform upon which he has been able to perfect his own propaganda techniques.
At this point I wish to focus on the actions of the Ailes TV propaganda techniques as compared with the ideological messages espoused by the other rich white financers who control the “conservative” right wing AM broadcast networks in concert. (However, it is IMPORTANT to keep in mind that the COMBINATION of both media, the AM broadcast networks and TV network channels comprise the right wing “conservative” propaganda machine in America.) The ultimate goal of Roger Ailes goes far beyond just beating up on poor black folks. (Unfortunately public opinion believes that this is the total extent of his broadcast motives.) Rather his primary goal is to control the minds and opinions of the majority of Americans. Ailes is essentially creating an American paradigm of the successful propaganda machine developed by Joseph Goebbels some eighty years ago as Adolph Hitler's Minister of Propaganda during the early days of Nazi Germany. Returning to the present era, if we conduct a close examination of the broadcast notoriety and controversy dominating the national conversation for the past 18 months it will provide an obvious and damning testimony as to the extent of the propaganda attack already underway here in America. At this point it is necessary to digress here briefly to describe the basic structure of Joseph Goebbels’ Propaganda Machine.
Goebbels published a great deal of analytical data for his experimental propaganda in the days marked by Hitler's rise to power, and many of his writings from the 1930’s are available in bookstores and online today. Generally speaking, Goebbels maintained several things are critical to make his techniques work on a given population. (1) First you must identify and DEFINE one segment of the population as SCAPEGOATS and blame them for all of the current ills of that particular society. (2) You must then REDEFINE the MORALS of that scapegoated population to the majority population. (3) You must then CREATE the most outlandish BIZARRE LIES about this scapegoated population highlighted by revelations of certain outrageous despicable acts being perpetrated by the scapegoated population against the majority, repeating these lies over and over and over again endlessly. Goebbels “clinical” approach to the development of his propaganda machine subsequently demonstrated that with the suppression of any opposing voices, over some given period of time the majority population will come to believe these lies.
However, the secret that Goebbels did not include in his documentation is that once the majority population DISPLACED their previous belief systems with the "big lie" as the cornerstone of their new belief system, at the same time, they came to unquestionably BELIEVE and TRUST the SOURCE of that "big lie" propaganda. In other words, a belief system (regardless of the nature of the system) is always an ESSENTIAL critical part of the life of every human being.
Hence, when a population’s previous belief system is DISPLACED by the “big lie”, the SOURCE of the “big lie” and its institutionalized components a priori becomes the new replacement belief system for the newly proselytized majority population. This is just the way that humanity is “wired”, and further discussion of the psychological science inherent in this phenomenon is far beyond the discussion of this post. There is one final point to consider about the Goebbels propaganda machine. Many people outside of pre-war Nazi Germany after viewing thousands of newsreel scenes showing millions of Germans showering great love and enthusiasm on their beloved Hitler assumed that this was a natural display of the unconditional embrace of Nazi propaganda by the German people. However, I believe that this evaluation indicates a serious misunderstanding and mischaracterization of the actual effect of the “big lie” on the German people. I believe that the widespread public demonstrations in pre-war Germany supporting the Nazi regime actually signaled the need of the German people to emotionally resolve the conflict brought about by their acceptance of a new belief system despite the fact that it was based on a profound NEGATVE, the “big lie”. This emotional turmoil marked an underlying desperate need of the subconscious to continuously reaffirm the correctness of these new changes in their personal belief system. Hitler’s response to this psychological need by his newly proselytized German population was to substitute Wagner’s folklore for Christ’s Beatitudes, and Nietzsche’s “Thus Spake Zarathustra” for religious theology.
Therefore, respective of Hitler's plans, the persecution of the German Jews was not important beyond facilitating the achievement of his goal to successfully establish a unique form of mass psychosis which delivered the complete acquiescence of the German people to his slightest whim. The success of Goebbels’ propaganda technique in the eventual control over the German mind was evidenced by the rise of Hitler’s powerful war machine. However, as a part of these events, European Jewry unfortunately became fodder for the Nazi propaganda machine, the violent rhetoric of which produced policies authorized by the German state that resulted in the horrific brutal Jewish Holocaust that followed.
HERE is where we CONNECT THE historical DOTS. A similar propaganda attack is currently underway here in the United States. Like the situation in pre-war Nazi Germany, in the United States currently there are two large scapegoat populations available, American Negroes and Mexican Americans. However, it appears that the target spotlight is slowly shifting to the American Negro due to the ease of making video connections between the similarity in racial appearance between American Negro Muslims (35% of the Muslims in America are African Americans), American Negro non-Muslims and other black and brown Muslims around the world. Unfortunately, this “look alike” correlation also extends includes those foreign Muslims of color who belong to organizations around the world that are bent on attacking the United States. A recent example of Glenn Beck’s racialist BIG LIE propaganda technique can be found in the statement that he has frequently broadcast which accused "President Obama of being a racist who hates white people." In the light of the Goebbels propaganda doctrine, it is prudent to follow this BIG LIE statement up with another one. Following the Goebbels doctrine Beck declared at his recent rally in Washington D.C. "That God is setting the stage for white people to GET THEIR CIVIL RIGHTS back!" Thus the maturing of the Beck BIG LIE campaign is revealed by his attempt to recruit the evangelical Christian right into his propaganda campaign. To clarify I repeat, the purpose of Beck’s Washington rally was to call, justify, and invite thousands of fundamentalist white Christians to join him in his personal battle to stop the :black” political take over of America! (Note that this LIE is deemed a hard fact in the minds of many white American racialists which they see as being irrefutably confirmed by the election of a Negro, Barack Obama, to the Presidency of the United States.)
I should like to take a moment here to address some of the anticipated arguments that may be offered in rebuttal to my earlier declaration that America is in the midst of a virulent propaganda attack. First of all I heartily disagree with the many liberal voices that are quick to lampoon and dismiss Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Michael Medved, Mark Levin, Bill O’Reilly, and others simply as “those right wing nut case crazies”. These people are certainly right wing fringe demagogues, many of which have become exceedingly wealthy through their so called “hard hitting” broadcast rants against anything normal in America. However, it is safe to say their presence on American air waves would quickly disappear if the monetary rewards were completely removed. I doubt seriously if any of these people would continue to be a “conservative talk show host” as a full time hobby. Hence in retrospect there is some serious money behind the verbal machinations of this crowd, and anyone who does not believe that vast sums of money is always associated with power is not worth the time to argue with. Lastly, it is common knowledge that whenever power players are in the “game” it is for a damn good reason, and power players are always serious, dead serious.
To those who would dismiss my declaration “that America is under a serious propaganda attack” as “just another conspiracy theory”. I should like to point their attention toward the growing number of public gathering places across the nation like malls, shopping centers and local eateries that have instituted a rigorous “display Fox TV channel only” policy for all TV screens setup for public viewing in their respective areas. Several Midwestern McDonalds regional franchisee restaurant chains are continuing this policy even in the face of strong local and national opposition. Their counter argument to protests regarding the “Fox TV only” policy is that in their opinion Fox is the best “family friendly” TV channel available out of all of the networks on cable or satellite. Such a policy seven or eight years ago would have been unthinkable, but today it is an important harbinger of the successes that the current strategies and techniques of the right wing propaganda machine are beginning to produce in many parts of America. Unfortunately many fair minded Americans have been lulled into believing in the affectivity of the major network’s (ABC, CBS, and NBC) voluntary doctrine for public responsibility and fairness. This long standing practice is religiously implemented by strictly adhering to the rule that any controversial subject broadcast must include at least one proponent of the subject of the controversy and at least one opponent of the subject of the controversy. In effect they consider this to be broadcasting “BOTH SIDES of any ARGUMENT” in a fair and responsible manner. However a quick sampling of public opinion throughout the country will show that this doctrine has proven neither to be responsible nor has it been fair.
To conclude this discussion, I should like to amend the opening statement of this post to include the following declaration. “Not only those Americans who are descendants of African slaves, but ALL Americans MUST BECOME AWARE of the serious danger posed by the strategies of the current right wing propaganda attack on the American government and it’s Constitution.” The American people must be brought to the realization that not only are their freedoms in jeopardy by virtue of the media dominance of this Neo Propaganda Machine, but the future existence of America as a democratic institution is also under a devastating relentless attack from within by those radical right wing “conservatives”. The prime desire of this segment of the American population is to secure permanent control over the government of the United States under the exclusive rule of an oligarchy of the super rich that is based in the American upper class.
Pay close attention brother...... pay very close attention….. Peace….