Yes it is the Hand of God
On this day, in the year thousand and eleven, in the month of May, on the twenty first day, I wrote this word of Hashem: “I Hashem have whispered in the ears of my Arab men, saying; “Go forth! Go quickly forth from beneath your blanket and let those who fear know that this is by my hand.” It is so, and so it is written.
This is more than a message, it is an announcement.
I pray that you will spare a few moments to read my description of the messenger, and beg that you will be so kind as to summon a little patience to bear with the complaints and petitions that follow here.
I am a retired engineer who has been blessed to have been able to maintain a strong belief in the omnipresence of God. It is with a sincere mixture of fear and awe that I behold the mystery of God at work in my own life and the lives of many others. Possibly it is my adherence to the adage that states, “Look for God in all things great and small” that accounts to my alertness to events and changes in the world. However, as a man of science my level of attraction to any particular event is only stimulated by parameters far in excess of unexplainable chance or serendipity. In my estimation such rare events must be marked by the clear evidence of being manifested by supra-natural conditions and parameters which only can be attributable to God, the Most Holy Creator. Therein “an act of God” becomes the only coherent explanation for such occurrences.
The events that started in Tunisia and have now expanded across the Middle East from Egypt to Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Jordan. What is so striking about these exploding protests is the seeming absence of the paralyzing fear of the brutality of their respective governments which have kept its people in an enslaved mentality. The experience of having beloved relatives disappear after being initially arrested by the government’s secret police kept the population afraid to even mention the name of the lost loved one in public. Suddenly in the midst of some of the most brutally inspired fear that mankind has known the fear is gone and people face bullets, bombs, and tanks with only their bodies to stop the enemy. Where some lie dead in the streets, others race to take the places of the fallen in the lines of the protest demonstrations and blood is everywhere. Nothing known to mankind could ever inspire these masses numbering in the millions to make such a commitment of life and limb to face the brutal onslaught of the enemy’s military killing machinery. Absolutely nothing! It is this commitment that marks the occurrence of these events across different national boundaries as supra-natural and in my opinion as one that could only be God inspired.
The hypocritical western international news media has recently provided a great deal of space lampooning family radio Preacher/Prophet Harold Camping concerning his prophesy that doomsday would be occurring at 6:30 pm on the 21st of May 2011. Mr. Camping’s followers posted bill boards around the United States telling Americans to get ready for doomsday on the above date and time. However, faced with the historically awesome events roiling the Middle East this same news media could only muster a weak cliché in a vain attempt to apply some sort of definitive logic to these events. The cliché that they are now using is the term “Arab Spring”, and alas one will not find the slightest hint of possible Divine Inspiration involvement anywhere editorially on the thousands of pages written and broadcast thus far about these world shaking events which will change the lives of millions of people, born and unborn.
Such blindness can be expected from commercial enterprises like the western international news media; however the church and all other secular bodies across the world have also been conspicuously silent regarding this supra-natural event in mankind’s history. What greater teaching tool exists to mark the existence and action of God in the world than the supra-natural human events now unfolding daily in the very presence of mankind? Through the gift of modern technology the entire world has been able to watch and witness the Arab protests as these events travel from country to country.
The Book of Exodus, Chapter 33, verse 13 through verse 23 chronicles a dialog between Hashem (God) and Moses in the Tent of Meeting outside the Israelite exodus camp. During the dialog, Moses overcome by a sense of closeness with Hashem exclaims to Hashem “Oh, let me behold your presence!” Hashem responds by telling Moses that “there is place near to Me. Go there and station yourself on an rock”. Hashem then tells Moses that He (Hashem) will cause His Presence to pass by, but prior to that He will put Moses in the cleft of the rock and shield him with His Hand until His Presence has passed by. Hashem finishes by telling Moses that He will then take His Hand away so that Moses can see His back, but His face must not be seen. My exegesis of these verses is that they are teaching us how we are to observe the presence of God. We must be constantly aware in order to observe all the particulars of any event of note that may occur. We should then proceed to analyze the particulars surrounding each event strictly searching for only those things that we can uniquely attribute to God. Regular performance of such an observance/analytical ritual results in greatly strengthening one’s personal belief in the Omni-presence of God in the world. This is all the Most Holy Creator wishes of the most beloved expressions of His Creation.
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