Friday, October 04, 2013

John Boehner an Example of White Privilege Hard at Work

In actuality there is ONLY ONE MAN responsible for the current government shutdown and he is the Speaker of The House John Boehner. If Boehner brought the Senate's clean CR bill to the House floor for a vote it would pass and the government would be funded again. Boehner refuses to do this because he has declared that HE WILL NEVER BREAK the so-called Hastert rule which requires a majority vote by the Republican caucus in affirmation before any legislation can be brought to the House floor. The Hastert Rule has no basis in Constitutional law and was simply a proposal by the former Speaker of the House and longtime Republican member of the House Dennis Hastert (R-Ill) that he designed to make sure all Republicans moved in LOCKSTEP on all legislative issues.


The fact that Boehner insists on enforcing the Hastert Rule in the Republican caucus while calling for the Democrats and the President to meet with the Republican leadership to negotiate a compromise is a DAMN OXYMORON.  How in the world can you in one breath demand a majority of all Republican members of the House agree, while in the next breath you are telling the public that you want to sit down with the opposition and hammer out a compromise? The only way negotiations work is those who sit down to work out a compromise have prior to their entry into negotiations the complete authority of whatever group that they represent to SPEAK and make AGREEMENT for that respective group. Any other structure is ridiculous, ludicrous, and asinine.




At this point in the Obama presidency even the normally reticent main stream media (MSM) has been forced to confess that the totally insane unreasonable hatred for the president stems from the twisted emotional depths of racism rather than the normal mainstream give-and-take of rough and tumble American politics. I personally believe that God chose Barack Obama to become the first African-American President simply because he is uniquely equipped to discharge the responsibilities of such an assignment. I am not referring to just performing the job of President of the United States, but the FIRST AFRICAN-AMERICAN PRESIDENT of the United States. In truth I cannot think of any other man black or white that could have continued to suffer the slings and arrows heaped upon him daily by scores of rabid racists while still maintaining the uniquely strong composure and dignified persona that is required of the leader of the United States of America.


Mentally I contrast the character of Barack Obama with that exhibited publically by the current Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner. I recall many of the speeches John Boehner delivered on the floor of the House when he was the Minority Leader and Nancy Pelosi was the Democrat Speaker of the House. To these ears Boehner’s rhetoric back there then is completely consistent with the inflammatory statements he has made recently as the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives regarding the Affordable Health Care Act. At the time when he was just the minority leader many of this speeches from the floor accused President Obama of trying to imposed “socialized medicine” on the American people, therefore I am sure that that kind of rhetoric would certainly have great appeal to the so-called fringe Tea Party members of the current Republican House caucus. Therefore in my opinion as a longtime observer of John Boehner via CSPAN, he has never appeared as a centrist reasonable member of the House Republican caucus.



Yet all of the political commentators and pundits in the MSM continue to wring their hands and commiserate  over the “real tough job” John Boehner has as Speaker of the House “trying as hard as he can” to control the wild-eyed crazed Tea Party members of his own caucus. The sympathy uttered by these broadcasters on behalf of Boehner is so thick it almost oozes out of the TV speakers. They even go so far as to interpret every gesture or word from Boehner as a slight signal of hope from a “good man embroiled in a cataclysmic struggle against impossible unreasonable odds”.  The most severe criticism that I have heard publically expressed of John Boehner also is tinged with suffocating sympathy for the Speaker. This criticism also assumes that Boehner is in a political fight with the Tea Party members of his Republican caucus, but in this instance Boehner is cast as the pragmatist who although he recognizes what is best for the nation  is never-the-less fighting to hold on to his job as Speaker of the House. These are just some of the unsolicited unsubstantiated spontaneous arguments created to defend John Boehner in his current position as the only roadblock to ending the shut-down of the government. Such defensive arguments can be expected to arise in response to the stimulation of the public’s mass psychology of WHITE PRIVILEGE as it asserts itself in the attitude of white America regarding the overall spectacle of the shutdown of the government of the United States.  


Now that I have described a currently evolving example of the continued presence and active influence in American society of White Privilege, it is important to describe how White Privilege operates in conjunction with the other side of the pernicious societal sword of American racism.  American White Privilege can be visualized from a psychological point of view as sort of the “mirror image” of American racism as a complementary dynamic influence in American society. Psychologically it makes sense that it would not be possible to have one phenomena present in American society without the existence and presence of the other psychosis. One requires the equal and opposite phenomena of the other, Thus if American racism is over three centuries old, then American White Privilege is likewise the same exact age. If one accepts this as a new psychologism, then the next question to be asked is “outside of its association with certain discriminatory practices that serve to maintain oppressive social deprivation for African-Americans, why should white people care about this so-called White Privilege phenomenon?” 



The immediate response of the White Privilege emotional stimulus is to blindly defend the actions while granting unconditional privileges to any person based exclusively on the degree of whiteness in their pigmentation, and as such conversely ignores the possibility of personal fault, criminal intent, or character defect. Normally in society this allows those white folks whose survival and ability to prosper depends solely upon their criminal skills to steal, extort, or “con” others out of their money and possessions. to prey upon others around them.  I think P.T. Barnum was well aware of this when he coined his famous phrase. “There’s a sucker born every minute!” Just as American racism dictates that every white person must be instantaneously suspicious of any unfamiliar African-American that they happen to observe in their travels; likewise its “mirror” image in the form of White Privilege automatically covers any white person that they encounter with an unconditional mantle of respect, thereby expecting honesty, integrity, and reliability from that person. The automatic granting of White Privilege does not necessarily constitute a problem until some especially serious critical situation arises and the evaluation facilities of the public consciousness is blinded by White Privilege as it pertains to some key white person who otherwise would be correctly perceived as someone harboring evil intentions while planning some destructive acts.


In my estimation the current government shut-down situation (due to John Boehner’s extreme recalcitrance against bringing the “clean” Senate passed Continuing Resolution (CR) bill to the House floor for a vote and likely passage), and the continued MSM defense of Boehner’s actions is a reflection of the damage that can be experienced by the nation as it continues to succumb to the subtle influence of White Privilege time after time throughout American history.  John Boehner is not worthy of all of the sympathy and “benefit of the doubt” that he is currently being accorded by the American people, in particular the American MSM. Without the blinding glare of White Privilege they would clearly perceive and understand Boehner’s despicable performance as a key member of the current United States government along with the potential future damage that he is comfortable inflicting upon the American people after October 17, 2013, the end date for raising the national debt limit.



At this point what can we learn from the current example of White Privilege and how its continuing influence is effectively bringing serious harm , hurt, and deprivation to millions of innocent Americans? Fortunately there is a lesson that can both strengthen the nation , while bringing about the internal changes necessary to make the United States of America a leader of the world’s nations throughout the 21st century.  During the current fiasco the political situation in the United States has been widely exposed as being quite vulnerable to all of the world’s demagogues and charlatans.  If for nothing more than meeting the requirement to erect an effective defense against such usurpers the white population of America must find a way to effectively remove the overwhelming subconscious subjective influence of White Privilege from their decision and evaluation processes. However the real question arises, how can one effect change of such a strong subconscious psychological force?


Earlier in the discussion I emphasized the proposal that American racism is inexorably tied to American White Privilege to the point that sociologically they are virtually “mirrored” responses to psychological events that are stimulated by the pigmentation or color of any observed individual subject to immediate evaluation.  It is my belief that the stimulated response that results in a change in the emotions such that some form of racist driven action is enacted physically and targeted at the observed individual. As such I believe that the respective white observer has a small amount of conscious reflective time available wherein to actively replace the subjective racist emotional response with a warmer friendly inclusively attractive image, which will effectively abort the physical expression of the usual racist reaction.


Many mental reflexive techniques can be used to implement the appropriate psychological response such as “walking meditations” in addition to other meditation disciplines. American racism is at its essence is stimulated by a “learned” PHOBIA, specifically NEGRO PHOBIA, which is routinely experienced by an overwhelming majority of the white population of America. Therefore I believe that at least the phobic aspect of American racism can be effectively healed through the exercise of a simple self-help prescription by the white American population.  Currently the most effective prescription possible would be based upon voluntary perseverance, which unconditionally subscribes to the notion of dedication to the daily practice of the appropriately specified meditational program by each individual.   


It is important to emphasize here that I am not suggesting that three hundred years of American racism can be eliminated by the white masses participating in selectively designed special meditation exercises over some indeterminate amount of time. This will take time, but it is essential to the future of the nation that action be started immediately. This has been made crystal clear by current events. Further, once the “healing process” is initiated society will immediately start to improve the lives of all Americans, and it will continue to improve as time goes on as more people experience success in effectively shedding the pernicious influence of American racism.


As each white individual is able to free themselves from the influence of American racism, each respective individual will likewise experience a reduction in the subconscious influence of White Privilege in their evaluation of the societal changes evolving around them. Simply put “purging American racism effectively purges the American sense of White Privilege simultaneously”.