The Reason Why the Rich Persecute the Poor
There is a mean spirit arising in America especially among well off white Republicans which has a fanatical dedication to punishing the poor even to the levels once commonly used in Dickensian England, namely the work houses and the poor debtors prison, etc. We may ask why do these rich people engage in this wicked pursuit?
The answer is that having money alone is not enough for some folk. They don't really start to "feel" and "appreciate" the "comfort" of their wealth until they can readily observe the extreme suffering of others who are in a state of severely LACKING any means or resource that is capable of sustaining their existence in society.
Unfortunately for us all, the greater the numbers of those mired down in the grinding poverty of American society, the more INTENSE the exhilarating feeling of "boundless satisfaction " and "comfortable security", experienced by the wealthy as they survey the growing pool of economic suffering and misery among society’s poor.
Such exhilarating feelings are also addictive to the human psyche and like all other forms of addiction ultimately contribute substantially to the pool of human misery which compromises us all.