Thursday, October 14, 2004

America's 2004 Presidential election, an anthropological view

I have been reluctant to initiate this particular blog due to the overwhelming complexities and passions associated with any discussion of matters in this domain. Since my instinctive behaviour places me in the category of the observers among us, I have reached the point where I am filled up with the cacophony currently swirling around us. Not only are we inundated by political messages in all available media (audio, video, and print) but it is extrapolated into two further dimensions, TRUTH and LIES. Whenever a noteworthy event occurs, we should examine it in two ways; the general effect of the event itself, and the personal impact of the event on each and every one of us. Life in this world is based on this truth. What is really at stake for Americans in this election? It is all of the possible future secenarios described by each candidate, but even more consequential it is the astounding increase in the public's tolerance for officials public uttering of obvious outright lies. The most serious loss to any nation or community is when truth in the public sector becomes a casualty. This is true, no matter what the circumstances. A nation can survive as long as a strong appreciation and value of the truth survives and influences the body politic.Deterioration of this standard marks the erosion of the strength and viability of the society so effected in the world community.
Why so much fuss over preserving the truth in society? The truth is the only absolute that is beyond compromise and corruption. The truth is even known well to a liar. But most important, the highest sanctuaries of a society are created upon certain ideas whose concepts are in accord with irrefutable universal truths. How does one determine that public acceptance of lies is increasing? It is self-revealing in the number of people that not only tolerate lies but become a passionate believer of a certain group of lies and thereby an active exponent and frequent repeater of such lies. Such members of society embrace the cult of personality and become active proponents of the lies associated with that cult, and thereby reject the truth. When such members proliferate in a society, the truth is slowly squeezed out of the public commerce and legal interface of that society such that the scales of justice are completely compromised and subject only to the strenth of the greatest lie.
The greatest damage caused by the decline of truth in society is to future generations whose framework of knowledge is what is bequeathed to them by their parents. They will attempt to exault the society they recieved in the manner that they have been given to understand, and if lying is acceptable they will strive to create even greater lies as their legacy. How can a society thus sickened continue to exist within the family of nations in the world. Such corruption will almost certainly attract many forms of international mischief that will eventually contribute to internal destruction and dissolution.


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