Saturday, March 04, 2006

2006 Democratic Campaign Slogan

Most if not all of America are familiar with the series of catastrophic blunders made by the George W. Bush administration over the course of his presidency. Unfortunately the list continues to grow with no end in sight. I won’t repeat the entire list, but will simply list a few to highlight the thrust of my argument. No Weapons of Mass destruction, the Iraq war, the Medicare Drug bill, lack of Federal aid in the wake of hurricane Katrina and the flood destruction of New Orleans, unauthorized illegal domestic wiretaps, etc. The common denominator for these and many other disastrous failures by the Executive branch is that in every instance the American people have been lied to by the President of the United States. The consequence of all of this chicanery, cronyism, corruption, and malfeasance is an out of control exploding federal debt, the interest level of which currently exceeds a billion dollars a day. Under these conditions America will not be able to survive two more years of Republican controlled government. This is not a political statement, but a fact. The only way the nation can hope to survive is to loosen the Republican grip on the Congress. It is to this end that I propose the following campaign slogan for Democratic candidates standing for seats in the upcoming 2006 elections.

“End Liar’s Breach, In 2 and 6 Teach & Impeach!”

The word “liar” is fading from America’s vocabulary. The current popular term for lying is the softer less confrontational term “misled”. Even CEO’s and politicians convicted of egregious crimes, while admitting to their misdeeds unflinchingly use the phrase “I misled” instead of “I lied”.
The use of the word “breach” in this slogan signifies the fact that intentional lying has become not only accepted but fashionable in America. There is no common inhibition against lying; rather there is a great reticence against getting caught. It should be noted however, that Presidential lying did not start with Bill Clinton, but it has never been so widespread within the intuitions of power throughout the nation.

The phrase “In 2 and 6” is a shortened poetic meter for the normal longer phrase, “In Two Thousand Six”. This year of 2006 is the time that America must clean House and Senate. Only a new congress bent on sparing America two more years of fiscal, military and security devastation can save the nation.
“Teach & Impeach” is a rather obvious phrase. The Democratic Party must teach the American voter the factual status of the immediate impending danger facing the nation. The fiscal disaster caused by the astronomically massive international and domestic government debt, continuous erosion of American freedoms, and the explosive growth in the lack of security at our borders and ports.
This slogan was created in an effort to provide a statement that would encapsulate the essence of all of the disasters caused by the current Republican lead government in Washington. Last week the Secretary of the Treasury called upon Congress to raise the current federal debt ceiling by some 781 billon dollars. His request was accompanied with a warning that without Congressional authorization to print more money, the government would not be able to meet its expenses, including the interest payments on the current gargantuan federal debt. The American people must learn that the dangers facing the nation are real, and they need to be taught quickly or God help us all.


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